Vibrant Violet

On the color spectrum, violet is a variation on purple that sits a bit closer to blue than red. The color violet comes from the flower name, which is rooted in the Latin viola. The violet is a plant with small flowers that vary in color from pale violet to dark blue, as well as white. There are thought to be around 500 species of violets today that belong to the genus Viola.

Symbolic violet flower meanings include innocence, everlasting love, modesty, spiritual wisdom, faithfulness, mysticism, and remembrance.

While these romantic flowers are enjoyed for their beauty and sweet scent, they’re also popular in savory recipes, syrups, teas, salads, and sweet desserts. Both the leaves and blooms are edible. Since they are edible flowers, violets often are coated in sugar and used as edible decorations on cakes and other sweet treats.

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