DIY Bridesmaid Gift Hanger – Nailed It!

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to share the DIY bridesmaid hangers I made for my special day ❤️ The hangers are a pack of 5 from Primark, and the pearls, flowers, and Initial sticker is from Home Bargains! The whole thing cost me about £1.50 to make ❤️ (Admin Note: in dollars $1.80)

I’d love everyone’s thoughts and opinions on them 😊
(Admin note: post a comment and I’ll add them here for Abbie to see)

Bride, Abbie Margaret Stephenson, United Kingdom

Credit: Abbie Margaret Stephenson


Thank you, Abbie, for allowing me to post your hanger here. Love the DIY and you did it for super cheap!

Want to DIY this? Check out the items below. More than what Abbie paid, but this can make 4 hangers. It seems like everyone has a few of those wooden hangers around, for the “heavy stuff” or formal dresses. I’ve switched all my closets to those velvet hangers. The wooden ones are at the end, some empty 🤣. If you have one, use it! Paint it white. If you don’t have white paint, I guarantee a neighbor or a friend does. Also common, saving a bunch of almost empty paint cans in your basement or garage for “just in case”. Use one! You only need a tiny bit. And, if you can’t find white, do it in a color. It may not be your wedding color, but who gives a crap. You’ll have a really cool, now sentimental, hanger for your wedding gown. The same one you may use to keep it hung somewhere. For the craft stuff…go to the dollar store, a thrift shop, or GoodWill. Makes nice bridesmaid gifts, too, but be sure to make one for yourself. Your wedding dress will like it. 🤣

if you are like me, a hermit who resorts to Amazon for everything down to TP, see below is the material needed to make one like Abbie’s (who NAILED it 🔨). These will cost more than what Abbie paid ($1.80!!), but you will be able to make 4.

Please email me yours and I’ll post them here! yardsaleweddings@yardsaleweddings

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