Grief constantly pulls at your heart. It also hits you when you least expect it. In the middle of grocery shopping, it brings you to tears. At a staff meeting, it gives you chills. During a commercial, it gives you joy. When you turn on the car and THAT song plays, it gives you vivid memories. Your wedding is no exception. You are vulnerable. You are emotional. Above all, you wish that this person could share your joy. Before your ceremony, my advice is to have an alone moment (make a point to!), breath deep, think of your loved one and pray. This is YOUR moment of remembrance.
Here are 7 ways to honor loved ones at your wedding:
1. Arrange pictures on a string of white lights.
2. Light a special candle.
Photo by Cathal Mac an Bheatha on Unsplash
3. Release a sky lantern.
Photo credit: Pixabay
4. Place a picture, flower or reserved sign on a front row chair during the ceremony
Photo by James Schultz on Unsplash
5. Make a toast with his/her favorite drink.
Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels
6. Give out Fortget Me Not flower seeds.
photo credit: Pixabay